Today I am going to answer the biggest babywearing question: What is the best sling/carrier. It's really very simple, and this post is going to save you hours of internet research and asking about. After nearly 12 years of teaching experience, seeing thousands of different people I can catagorically conclude that the best sling/carrier is....
*drum roll please*
Whichever one is best for you.

It's just that, everyone is different! In all these thousands of people, I have met one that was really really similar to me, which made it very easy as she could just use the stuff I knew I liked! Every other person has had different favourite to me! Ask the library volunteers, one loves her Kahu, one is all about the ring slings, one is a tula person, another an ergobaby person, I adore the Girasol MySol in the photo, Jess thinks her Hoppediz Hop Tye is the best thing in the world and Adele is sick of me asking her because I keep forgetting!
So you can see that someone recommending their favourite to you is not necessarily going to mean it's your favourite too! At the library we know our stock inside out, we can look at your body shape and the size of your baby, listen to your needs and take in to consideration achy bits. I can tell by watching you what sort of fastening you'd prefer and I can tell by looking at you if I think a carrier is going to be comfortable in the long term. All of this comes from experience and a massive nerdy knowledge of slings and carriers (and how much they cost, and their second hand value!). Which is why recommendations from friends and the internet are a good place to start but try not get your heart set on something in case it just isn't the right one for you! Come along to a library session and we'll help you find the perfect sling/carrier for you! You can find details of all our library sessions via the book online section above! Rachael